Linklaters retains 75% of trainees globally

Linklaters retains 75% of trainees globally

Several rookies heading to different offices around the world

Magic Circle player Linklaters has retained 75% of its trainees, with some moving to different offices.

The March 2025 qualifying intake was made up of 57 recruits worldwide, with 43 accepting an NQ position. In London these figures were 48 and 38 respectively, giving a slightly higher retention of 79%.

In the London cohort 35 received NQ offers to stay in the City with three receiving offers in Dubai, Singapore and Tokyo. Elsewhere seven trainees from Hong Kong, Singapore, the Middle East and Australia were made offers to qualify in London.

The Legal Cheek Firms Most List shows the newly qualified associates, all of whom are on permeant deals, will start on recently improved salary of £150,000.

Links is one of the largest training contract providers in the City, with an annual trainee intake of around 100, split across two intakes each year.

 The 2025 Legal Cheek Firms Most List

Chris Stevenson, trainee development partner at Linklaters, commented:

“We are thrilled to have this talented group of junior lawyers embark on their careers with us and its fantastic to see them already taking advantage of the benefits of our global platform, with a number accepting offers across our network. We look forward to seeing their careers take off as they take full advantage of our market leading training and platform, bringing diverse and global experiences to deliver the best for our clients.”

These figures represent a slight fall from the Autumn where the firm took on 78% of trainees, having moved 11 trainees from it’s Moscow office after deciding to shutter operations in 2022.

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Source: Legal Cheek