“Lightweights and Fakes”: Trump Blasts Supposed Insiders Who “Have Virtually No Knowledge of Me”

“Lightweights and Fakes”: Trump Blasts Supposed Insiders Who “Have Virtually No Knowledge of Me”
Trump had choice words for Miles Taylor, the former Department of Homeland Security Insider

Donald Trump gave powerful vent to his feelings about men like Miles Taylor in a post on his social-media platform Truth Social last night. Kelly, who worked in Trump’s Department of Homeland Security, published an anonymous missive in 2018 for the New York Times claiming to be “part of the resistance inside the Trump administration.” He has since published two books warning about Trump.

“So many lightweights and fakes go on MSNBC & CNN, along with other ratings challenged networks and platforms, purporting to know me as though they were a long lost relative, only to have virtually no knowledge of me, or anything about me,” the former president posted.

“A weak and pathetic RINO named Miles Taylor, who worked with one of the dumber Generals around, John Kelly, speaks as though he has intimate knowledge of everything Trump. Other than seeing him on TV, I have no idea, from the Administration days, who the hell he is. I assume a con man because he gets paid for talking about a subject he knows nothing about, ME. But that doesn’t matter to NBC, to me one of the worst news organizations in the world.

“There are many other of these phonies as well, and I’ll let you all know who they are as soon as I get a chance. TRUTH!”

Taylor has resurfaced in recent weeks to promote a new paperback edition of his second book Blowback, which first came out last year. In the book, Taylor warns that a second Trump administration will be far more competent and aggressive than the first.

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A week ago, Taylor gave an interview to Salon Magazine and claimed that all of the predictions he made in the book are coming true.

“I wish I had been wrong, but Donald Trump has borne out my predictions. Since the publication of Blowback, he has let slip his true intentions again and again,” Taylor said.

He went on to list every instance of his predictions being right.

“Trump admitted he wanted to use the Justice Department against his enemies if re-elected, saying the ‘genie’ had already been let ‘out of the box.’ He admitted he would purge civil servants en masse, vowing ‘retribution’ to ‘destroy the deep state” by ‘firing all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus.’ He admitted he would reinstate policies like the so-called travel ban to the United States that would be ‘even bigger than before.’ He hinted that he would seek to deploy the military on U.S. soil to enforce his edicts… He even admitted he would govern like a dictator, at least on ‘Day One.’

In a recent podcast appearance he claimed that Trump is a “failed businessman.”

“All of the characteristics that made him a failed businessman, he took into The White House and in a lot of ways, he made the government his largest failed venture yet.”

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