LG Polls: Social commentator outlines template for supporting LG boss aspirant

LG Polls: Social commentator outlines template for supporting LG boss aspirant

Efio-Ita Nyok|2 April 2017 
A Nigerian social commentator of Cross River origin has outlined what may be referred to as a template for his supporting any aspirant in the forthcoming local government election especially that of his local government area, Ogoja. 
Prince Thomas Abi Jr is considering personal traits like character, capacity, etc. In terms of policy, he has highlighted youth empowerment, education, agriculture, security, health, economy, water, etc. Hear him out:
'I have received phone calls from youth of Ogoja and my immediate community on who they should support in the forthcoming Local Government Elections. 
'Before I endorse any candidate, I will do a thorough review of all the aspirants and their capacity, zeal, temperament, and character. 
'I will also like to know what they have to offer in terms of youth empowerment. The youth of Ogoja must be carried along in the next administration and how the next Chairman intends to create jobs for the teeming unemployed young men and women in Ogoja. 
'The Local government is the closest government to the people. I will like to know how the aspirants intend to relate with the local people and solve their problems as they come in contact with them daily. 
'Over the years, Council Chairmen have constantly carried out their duties from Calabar, the aspirants have to tell us that they would reside in Ogoja and serve our people. 
'In the area of Education, those contesting, what is their blue print as regards the falling standard of Education in Ogoja. 
'There are so many dilapidated schools, it is the function of the Local Government to build primary schools, how do they intend to build and equip our schools. And in future when they have the challenge of paucity of funds to provide infrastructure, how do they intend to generate revenue to build these schools. 
'World over, nations are diversifying into Agriculture. How do our aspirants plan to generate wealth through Agriculture and by so doing empower our people, especially women and youth who are the backbone of our society. 
'In the area of security, Ogoja is now very porous, the once peaceful town is now a safe haven for miscreant who operate without fear. Those joining the race, how do they plan to make Ogoja safe again. 
'It is also the responsibility of Local Government to provide stalls in markets. I will like to know the intents of those contesting as it bothers on improving our markets across the 10 political wards of Ogoja. 
'Health-care is a very important aspect of our daily life. It is one that must not be played with. As the aspirants kick start their campaigns, it is important we know what their mission is in the Health-care sector through the provision of health centers. 
'Water is an integral part of our day to day life. Many communities still drink from the stream, how do they intend to partner with the world bank towards the provision of water for the people of Ogoja?
'Over the years, price of goods and services are always on the high side. How does the next Chairman plan to checkmate the price of goods and services. It is no news today that our people are exploited by traders who trade in Ogoja, tripling the cost of goods. 
'These are the questions we must ask before endorsing any candidate. We must get it right this time around. 
'We must work towards making Ogoja the envy of many', he concluded.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of NegroidHaven.org