Let's make Food Security a Priority —by Enobong Ebong

Let's make Food Security a Priority —by Enobong Ebong

28 July 2019 
In Global Hunger Index, Nigeria ranks 103 out of 119 qualifying countries. More than half of Nigerians live below poverty line,this promotes hunger (UN,2018). 
Borno state has the highest food insecurity; of 17 million residents in Boko haram areas, 11 million are constantly hungry (Food and Agricultural Organisation, 2018).
Food security means that all people at all times have physical, social, economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.
Food security is important because everyone has to eat, food is considered a basic human right, food security is the backbone of the economy, good food is necessary for good health.
We can improve food security by donating lands for agriculture, using fertilizer more efficiently, planting crops that require less water/improving irrigation, target food for consumption and reduce food wastage.
Nigeria can feed herself but poor coordination, reliance on oil income and misplaced priorities are disadvantages.
Let's make food security a priority in our community. Hope you will eat good food today.
Jesus is the bread of life, your life won't breakdown. Happy new week.
Enobong Ebong is a public health consultant, he writes from Calabar, Nigeria