LEADERSHIP: Character Molds Great Leaders -By Thomas Abi Jr

LEADERSHIP: Character Molds Great Leaders -By Thomas Abi Jr

Thomas Abi Jr|21 January 2016|5:45am

Character has a major role to play in the cause of leadership. One of my mentors who I cherish and respect a lot once told his followers not to judge leaders by their appearance but by their content and character. My mentor Martin Lurther King Jr. was right when he said leaders should be judged by their content and character and not physical appearance.
A person's character good or bad can inspire another to greatness or discourage another from attempting or trying.

Real and true leaders are people who have strong conviction, personal and moral values. Character plays a major role in leadership. A man or woman of content and character has the driving force to lead his/her followers without compelling them. Character is a force that commands respect and attracts people to leaders. Character propels and magnitizes leaders with their followers. Followers in the modern age desire leaders who will mentor them to greatness and bring out the best in them. Character gives leaders moral value, it gives leaders moral force. A leader with a good moral force and values doesn't need to force his supporters to do something. They do it out of love and believe in their leader. Real leaders have the capacity to influence, true leaders inspire and motivate others. True leaders are not dominating. True leaders are not desperate but they carry others along.
The ability for your presence to bring calm and peace shows you have the right character and force to lead your followers.

Character maintains trustworthiness in leaders, trust is a rare privilege given to leaders by their supporters and followers which must be respected and not taken for granted. You must value the trust of your people at all times. We are in the modern age where civilization has come to play. All and sundry is interested in what their leaders are doing. As a leader for you to maintain the trust and followership of your people you must keep to your promises. Integrity is very important in leadership. You must be a man of integrity. You must be a leader devoid of sentiments and tribalism. But a leader for all.
Characters gives and establishes legitimate and full rights to lead the people. Real leaders are trust worthy and legitimate. Character makes you legitimate because you have been able to build a relationship with your people that you are not a conman or a fraudster. As a leader you must not be a con man who only comes during election time and sings and dishes out money to buy votes. You must stand up to your leadership position and better the lots of your people. The people, who have sent you believe in you that is why they have sent you. You must not undermine this trust and make statements that portray that of a scammer or a conman.

As a leader, you must be guided by ethics and principles. You must mold your character to greatness and not a leader of great regret. You must not be a leader the people will regret having and rendering abuses on. Your followers have invested time, energy, money, talents and commitments and it must not be taken for granted. Your people deserve accountability and quality service as a leader. I believe in leaders who are men and women of content and character. Leaders with the right disposition and not fraudsters who have come to rob the people and sing and tell numerous lies.

If you must succeed as a leader you must work on your ills, weaknesses and begin to see yourself as a servant and not a king. The true meaning of leadership is selfless service to the people and not service to your stomach.
Your people deserve the right blue print and vision.  True leaders are men/women of vision and purpose. People of value, character and decency. People with the right mind frame,leaders who have love for people and country. Rare sterling qualities, people who will rekindle the hope of the citizenry, men and women of courage, principle and revived ideals in democratic beliefs. Mold your character today, work on your vision, work on your weaknesses, work on your choice of words and you will be riding towards greatness and salvaging your people and making a change as a progressive leader. 

Nigeria needs you, Cross River State needs you, the world needs your leadership and administrative prowess.

Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Public Affairs Analyst and Social Commentator