Leader O. O. Obu presents 3 volumes of Everlasting Gospel, says must be read with the Bible

Leader O. O. Obu presents 3 volumes of Everlasting Gospel, says must be read with the Bible
Christ Shepherd Edet Archibong the Spokesperson of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star BCS 
25 December 2019

His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu the Leader of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star BCS, Tuesday presented three volumes of the Everlasting Gospel to the general public NEGROIDHAVEN can say authoritatively.
According to the Spokesperson of the BCS, Christ Shepherd Edet Archibong the intention of the presentation is to notify the public of the ‘availability of the Everlasting Gospel of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, its uniqueness and importance, the profile and divinity of the Author and why it is a must-read for all children of God’.
Archibong who made this known to pressmen inthe  port city of Calabar the state capital of Cross River at Cradle Bethel informed that the Everlasting Gospel was a compilation of the thousands of sermons, Altar briefs, and Bible Class lectures. He observed that Leader Obu’s ‘sermons are more of expositions and revelations and (are) completely based on the Bible’. 
The BCS Spokesperson further highlighted that ‘Some of the teachings… include: the Kingdom of God on earth, Manifestation of God on earth, Reincarnation, New Name of God, Second Coming of Christ, Error of Good Friday and Vegetarianism among others’.
Leader O. O. Obu presents 3 volumes of Everlasting Gospel, says must be read with the Bible

Leader O. O. Obu presents 3 volumes of Everlasting Gospel, says must be read with the Bible
Copies of the Everlasting Gospel displayed during the public presentation at Cradle Bethel in Calabar, Cross River 

Leader O. O. Obu presents 3 volumes of Everlasting Gospel, says must be read with the Bible
Cross section of God’s children immediately after the public presentation of the Everlasting Gospel 

Continuing he said, “The teachings of the Promised Comforter which include His sermons, altar briefs, lectures and so on, constitute the Everlasting Gospel which have been compiled and bound into volumes for mankind to access and study. 
‘The Everlasting Gospel was revealed to John the Divine as contained in the Book of Revelation, chapter 14, verses 6 and 7: ‘And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, fear God and give to him; for the hour of judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water”.
‘The angel was preaching righteousness and judgement which is one of the function of the Promised Comforter: ‘Reproving the world of sin, preaching righteousness and preaching about judgment. The Comforter is the one who has the Everlasting Gospel which is the Gospel of everlasting life. The angel was preaching the Everlasting Gospel which was brought by the Promised Comforter.’ he concluded.
BCS Spokesperson Archbishop recommended the Everlasting Gospel to the general public claiming that it is the panacea to all of human problems whether spiritual or physical and the way to obtain everlasting life. He said that practicing the prescriptions contained therein will guarantee a perfect society filled with perfect individuals. 
The Everlasting Gospel which is expected to be read side by side the Bible was recommended to public officials especially legislators, government officials, businessmen and businesswomen, clergymen and devotees of all religions. 
Leader Olumba Olumba Obu was born on the 30th of December 1918 in Biakpan. According to the Spokesperson, he was taught by nobody. He had only two years of formal education at an early age.