LBW will host gallery featuring Ozark artist Jeffrey Babine

LBW will host gallery featuring Ozark artist Jeffrey Babine

Published 4:00 pm Thursday, October 17, 2024

LBW Community College’s Art Department has announced renowned artist, Jeffrey Babine from Ozark, Alabama, will host a gallery of his drawings at the Andalusia Campus from October 21 through November 6.

LBW will host gallery featuring Ozark artist Jeffrey Babine

One of Babine’s drawings.

Babine received a Master in Fine Arts, Drawing from the University of Arizona, has exhibited in several exhibitions, and has won national drawing competitions.

“My drawings fall in the realm of photorealism,” Babine said. “Basically, photo as subject. The drawings exist by making marks on paper and as such make a visual record of my thoughts and action, left up to the viewer to make their own interpretation.”

The exhibit will be open to the community beginning Oct. 21 each day from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the Art Gallery downstairs in the William H. McWhorter Learning Resource Center on the Andalusia Campus.

LBW will host gallery featuring Ozark artist Jeffrey Babine

Another one of Babine’s drawings.

The public is invited to a lecture presented by Babine on his work and career as an artist at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 6 with a reception following.

For more information, contact LBW Art Instructor Misti Purvis at 334-881-2250 or
