LBW featured for empowering residents with disabilities
Published 9:15 am Friday, August 30, 2024
As the state and nation grapple with a workforce shortage, Alabama’s community and technical colleges are stepping up to address this pressing challenge. Among these institutions, Lurleen B. Wallace (LBW) Community College has garnered attention for its significant efforts, recently being featured in a statewide podcast episode. The spotlight was on their Alabama RISE program, which empowers individuals with learning disabilities to bridge the employment gap and secure meaningful job opportunities.
The Access Granted podcast showcases inspiring stories of student success, community impact, and innovative educational practices across Alabama’s community and technical colleges.
“Our goal with this program is to showcase the abilities of our students to business and industry within our service area,” said LBW President Dr. Brock Kelley. “We believe that given the right resources, our students can thrive in any environment. Creating a sense of self-advocacy and functional job skills will ultimately put RISE students on a pathway to success and economic freedom.”
Alabama RISE tailors its curriculum to fit the needs of each student to support and advocate for themselves. One avenue is mentorship.
“I learned how to do down payments on a car, how to pay for a mortgage on a house, and how much money to spend, save, and set aside,” said RISE student Conner Kelley.
Individuals with different abilities discover a nurturing community that recognizes and celebrates their strengths and potential. Additionally, over 5,000 businesses partner with Alabama’s community colleges for workforce training, underscoring their pivotal role in meeting regional labor market demands.
Tune into the latest podcast episode today on YouTube, Apple, and Spotify.