Lawyers share their most embarrassing court stories

So. Much. Cringe.

Lawyers share their most embarrassing court storiesStriding around in smart suits and delivering polished speeches, lawyers can sometimes be idolised, likened to omniscient beings beyond mere mortal humans. In their crusade for justice and intellectual dominance, these figures are often praised, admired, and occasionally worshipped.

As it turns out, however, even those with the shiniest shoes and silkiest statements can trip up. Courtesy of The Secret Barrister, a large degree of professional humility, and an outdated misconception that tweets, or X’s?, aren’t publicly visible, we’ve put together a selection of legal tales to remind you that lawyers aren’t always as smooth as they may seem.

So sit back, procrastinate that email for five more minutes, leave the contract reading for later, and enjoy our top nine responses to The Secret Barrister’s request for “your embarrassing court stories”.

A warning to every John Smith

HHJ Honeybun

A classic legal manoeuvre

Guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time

It doesn’t get much worse than this…

Or maybe it does?

‘For the benefit of the tape, we just cringed, a lot’

Mistaken identity?

Bargain blunder

If you’ve been affected by any excessive third party cringe, or have yourself been the victim of a hilarious barrister blunder or solicitor slip-up, the comments section (and an immortality of cringe) awaits…
