LAUGH ZONE WITH MC SETO: Imagine me going to a Clinic just to Stitch a Mosquito Bite

LAUGH ZONE WITH MC SETO: Imagine me going to a Clinic just to Stitch a Mosquito Bite

MC Seto|12 January 2016|6:19am

Good morning and I guess you were not attacked by mosquitoes o.*speaknoevil*

The mosquitoes of nowadays are so unbelievable, you use mosquito net they use razor blade to cut it and enter, you cover blanket they remove it and dump it in the refuse bin, you use insecticide they wear mask, you wake up to kill them they hide and throw stones towards your ear that you will be slapping yourself.

Imagine me going to a clinic just to stitch a mosquito bite, they have so dealt with me that I'm now looking like a robot and if you succeed in killing one, the blood is as if you killed a chicken.

Now, I've been diagnosed of low blood pressure. Please How do you fight them in your area because I Need help ooo!

MC Seto
Is a trending Comedian in Cross River State