Khaos Reigns Kombat Kast live stream is taking place next week

Khaos Reigns Kombat Kast live stream is taking place next week

If you’ve been staring at the hourglass waiting for time to pass so that you might get your next glimpse of what’s coming to Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns, then I’m happy to tell you that your patience has not been for naught.

NetherRealm Studios announced today that the next Kombat Kast live stream is scheduled to air next week, and it will be shining the spotlight on the next DLC character joining the fight, Scream’s Ghostface. During this broadcast, we’ll finally be getting an in-depth look at what the iconic slasher can do in Mortal Kombat.

“Out of the shadows and into the spotlight,” the official MK1 Twitter page began. “Ghostface will be making their #MK1 debut on the Kombat Kast, Wednesday, 11/13 at 10am PT/12pm CT.”

As noted in the tweet, this upcoming Kombat Kast is slated for 10 a.m. PT on Wednesday, November 13. Surprisingly, though, this likely won’t be the first time we see Ghostface’s actual gameplay.

Generally speaking, these Kombat Kast presentations tend to air after a new character’s official gameplay trailer is released. The show often opens up by showing that fighter’s trailer, then transitions into an in-depth breakdown with the developers to further detail what all the combatant has to offer.

Khaos Reigns Kombat Kast live stream is taking place next week

With that having been said, there’s a good chance we’ll be getting Ghostface’s Mortal Kombat 1 trailer early next week, potentially Monday morning, though nothing has been confirmed on that front just yet.

What is confirmed is that this upcoming Kombat Kast will focus mainly on Ghostface’s abilities, so we’ll very likely be seeing the slasher’s various normal attacks, special moves, Fatal Blow, and at least one Fatality in full.

Ghostface is technically the fourth DLC character being added to Mortal Kombat 1 here in the Khaos Reigns expansion as part of Kombat Pack 2. Cyrax, Sektor, and Noob Saibot all joined the fight as part of the expansion package (though they can now be purchased individually), and Ghostface is next in line to be added to the game.

After Ghostface, we’ll also be seeing Terminator 2’s main villain, the T-1000, as well as Conan the Barbarian round out the rest of the Kombat Pack.
