Commentary by TLB Contributor: Ken LaRive
I think of what has been stolen from my beloved America, and I get blinding angry. What traitor tripled our national debit in ten years? What traitorous bastards denies us to look into our own Fort Knox for over fifty years, with a Corporation called the Federal Reserve who has more power than our president, and is unaccountable to even a question? A corporation that can print money out of thin air, and charge us interest to do so…
What country has the ability to use our military for its own purposes, lobbies our congress and actually hand picks all of our presidents since JFK, who they themselves killed. It is a deep state that orchestrated 911, and denies an independent investigation, and the paperwork, sealed by Congressional mandate was to be opened this year… In it is the knowledge of who killed Kennedy, but it was denied… why? …because they did it. They are the only country in the world who is allowed to have their congressional representatives, with dual citizenship, manipulating back-room deals for their own agendas, without a thought of our future… spying on us from hundreds of devices they promote, and responsible for the destruction of due process. A country who has been at war and expanding since 1949, with a church-state ideology diametrically opposed to our Constitutional Republic, and our God given Bill of Rights…
It has such power, that it has made it virtually taboo to speak their name aloud, or question the history they are rewriting. A secular, godless religion, that Jesus said were men who called themselves Jews but were not… who belonged to the Synagogue of Satan…
Men who have little conscious, and no regard for any but their own tribe, calling us animals, Goyum, and slaves, taking their cue from books they have hijacked as their own. A book full of vengeance, wrath, with justification and motivations for perpetual hatred for any men or culture, not their own… Men, who are monsters, and who own our country, lock, stock, and barrel.
They own the Communications industry, Hollywood, newspapers, magazines, and have infiltrated into our universities their own Marxist doctrine, and the minds, hearts and the very souls of our children belong to them. They own the central bank consortium, and any country who refuses to participate are obliterated using the blood, sweat, tears, the lives of our servicemen, our treasure… making money by financing both sides… O future belongs to them, our resources stolen… They control the insurance industry, pharmaceutical industry, and our own military, CIA, FBI… who take their standing orders from them, at the highest order…
They have stolen the ability to make nuclear arms with spies who have such power they do their diabolical deeds in broad daylight. They are beyond all law, even international, and even the UN is at a loss to confront them, controlling the largest military in the world, by a factor of ten, and they are vying for more. They have created a clandestine deep state, a shadow government with unlimited resources, paid for with fiat currency, debt based. They consider us their slaves… and indeed, we are. They have taken our glory as their own, and left us confused by the lies they spew as truth, and we are weak, uninspired, drained of our collective spirit, and the heritage that is our strength of purpose is systematically, increment by increment, maligned, belittled, and slavery of the spirit is the most horrible of all, in the face of a cult, a tribe, who considers themselves supermen of the highest order, with superlative IQ, and chosen by their God to be the masters of the Universe. This is Zionism, Rothschild in origin, and they have stolen the Holy Land as their own…