KEN’S CORNER: Good Morning Vietnam (Part-1) | The Liberty Beacon

KEN’S CORNER: Good Morning Vietnam (Part-1) | The Liberty Beacon

Commentary by: TLB Contributing Writer: Ken LaRive

One Friday night in the fall of ‘69, a 19 year old troubled youth stood at attention with about 20 other boys in our new Navy dress blues, and took the oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic. All of us were going to Vietnam, in spite of filling out our “Dream Sheets” requesting what we thought would be the perfect duty. I did well on my initial exam and was offered submarines. In the twist and turns, I made it to the USS Kitty Hawk, an Aircraft Carrier, and spent two years as the Captain’s Yeoman.

KEN’S CORNER: Good Morning Vietnam (Part-1) | The Liberty Beacon

I asked my Chief what we were fighting for and he said: we are trying to stop the spread of Communism. At that time I wasn’t capable of hard study, irresponsible and immature, I stood in front of my parents and girlfriend excited, bewildered, and confused, the perfect blank slate for service. I had little or no expectations because what I was facing was far bigger than I could understand at that time. In fact, I was fifty years old when it finally hit home, to a degree, after college, marriage, a child, working as an international mud engineer studying directional drilling, the chemistry and math of fluid engineering, fracking, creating a life… I began writing essays, my own column for the BI Moody papers here in Louisiana. All went well for 163 weeks, until I started writing about politics, taking a conservative stance. From that time it has been one cold slap in the face after another, and I get up every time, trying.

I was on a drill ship in Equatorial Guinea when the predicament that we were and are still facing in America hit home. I saw that Communists had taken over every aspect of America, from the media, pharmaceutical, the banks and international Corporations so powerful they could actually use our military and it’s vast resources to crush competition. What got me was the thought that we had lost 58 thousand of my brothers in Nam, and lost that war, then finding these bastards in the folds of my government, was a lot to bear. And though I have accomplished a lot playing their games, this fight for Liberty has not yet begun.

KEN’S CORNER: Good Morning Vietnam (Part-1) | The Liberty Beacon

I watched the Berlin Wall fall, The Kennedy assassination, and listened to his Secret society speech in awe…. The new Russia emergence with the profound resurgence of orthodox Christianity, the overt struggle of Capitalism, and the seeds of individual responsibility, with civil liberty struggling for the light of truth…. Truth. And as l road the oilfield roller coaster ride, I realized that my reality, my dreams and accomplishments, my hope, my future, did not belong to me, and as a fog was lifted from my eyes, I saw myself naked and vulnerable, a pawn in a world of conquest. Communism had taken over America using political ideologies created to interlace together, some to divide and conquer, and it covered every base as it grew. Zionism, Neoconservatism, ANTIFA, BLM, Progressivism, were all created under the umbrella of Marxist secular Zionist Communism, and this hit me hard, right between the eyes. What I thought the world was, and how it worked, was nothing but an illusion. It filled me with a sickening revulsion that pierced my heart and soul. It was there, in those intense moments of contemplation, and far from home, I realized the true concept of Slavery of the spirit. At its core, a new-found cornucopia of feelings emerged. A rage, a fear, a deep betrayal that left me virtually weak in the knees, with a smothering fire that consumed one illusion after another. I grew to realize that I would never be the same again, and that trust was eradicated, never to return. Never. And in the very beginning of that process, and to this very day, I try to grow up.

I wanted to find out the truth, and that became a burning desire. That was 23 years ago, and that quest is still a major part of my life, writing now for The Liberty Beacon for 12 years.

KEN’S CORNER: Good Morning Vietnam (Part-1) | The Liberty Beacon

I have never charged a dime for my work. Somehow it just seemed too important. What was at stake was the virtual enslavement of my America, a future that I saw as completely out of my hands, something so sinister, so diabolical, so evil, a cancer that has morphed and reorganized , gaining power in every institutional framework, from our diversity of faiths, our take on politics, and to the finality of Liberty from Tyranny, truth and justice, morals and ethics, good and bad and right and wrong, standards like honesty, love, hope, honor, bravery and fear, have all been subverted for the good of a shadow government that manipulates our lives from cradle to grave. It knows the human condition, it’s nature, and vies to dominate and control it undetected, and so well orchestrated our lives seem like an original thought.

In part two I will discuss just what the devil is Marxist Communism, with the possibility of fighting back. To me, this will be the hardest thing that mankind has ever faced, as it actually grows in a void called human nature. You see, never in the history on mankind has any culture, institution, religion, government, ever existed without a pinnacle of leadership. Never. Our gave us the ability to self govern, and it, our Constitutional Republic and Civil Liberties, have been subverted from it’s very conception, and to this very day. If we can not figure a way out of this soon, when AI takes the reins, it will be able to control us completely without moral Compass, figuring in a nano second thousands of scenarios, from false flags of fear, to the myriad of individual fires, one after another, to keep our minds occupied.

KEN’S CORNER: Good Morning Vietnam (Part-1) | The Liberty Beacon

While we celebrate, we are being dismantled. It is a war we are reluctant to fight, and that idea has been instilled too. If we can’t fight, we will lose. To me, nothing has more value than liberty. We are in the liberty movement, but our masters promote it to be a freedom movement. We are constantly being bombarded with the idea that America is a Democracy. It is not. America was borne by the concept of liberty, and so our founders have given us a Constitutional Republic, based on law, with God inspired Civil Liberties written down for posterity. It is the key to our survival, and the reason it is so subverted. It’s also the reason that every one of our Corporatocracy Banker wars installed a puppet dictator, nothing at all like our founding Republic. They enslave that population to bypass civil liberty, virtually slave labor under a Communist system, totalitarian in nature, without the profit eating ideals like child labor laws, insurance, social security, and safety mandates from a benign and truthful government of the people.

One other profound observation that is virtually destroying America and fundamental Christianity at the same time, and it is pure genius in concept. Instead of praying for guidance, we are being coerced to ask God to do the work. We have free will, and that gives us a great gift called individual responsibility. We are responsible for our lives, not God. We have to do the work. We make mistakes, learn from them, and pray for guidance. We ask positive questions with the hope of receiving an answer in like kind. Seems a universal law of cause and effect, and a true precept of just what Christianity is all about. It’s about taking control of your thoughts, and you life of meaning, one good thing after another, with selfless love as it’s cornerstone. I have seen this concept. It does exist, though extremely rare. You see, while we stand down waiting for God to do the work, we are eaten alive.

KEN’S CORNER: Good Morning Vietnam (Part-1) | The Liberty Beacon


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Ken LaRive

From the Author, Ken La Rive– We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.


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KEN’S CORNER: Good Morning Vietnam (Part-1) | The Liberty Beacon

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KEN’S CORNER: Good Morning Vietnam (Part-1) | The Liberty Beacon


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