Katrina Summers Becomes Top Selling Author – The US Times

Katrina Summers, who was named a Top Women Entrepreneur of 2021, has now released the top-selling book “Sales Funnel Playbook.” Her book is a guide to everything sales funnels. 

Now you might be asking. “Who Is Katrina Summers?” 

Katrina Summers is the Founder & CEO of KSB Agency. She’s the Sales Confidence Coach and fearless leader powering the whole operation. ​​With over ten years of corporate sales management and overseeing $80 million+ in revenue under her belt, it’s safe to say that corporate sales are her true passion.

She’s laser-focused on empowering our clients to level up their confidence, business, and — most importantly — their lives.

Katrina is a super mom, fierce leader, sales queen, and renowned speaker. Now the best-selling author. 

Her agency motto is “Breaking the corporate mold by being authentically bold.” 

 “We empower business leaders and their teams to make a bold impact on the world by promoting authenticity and prioritizing people.” – Katrina Summers. 

As we all know, success does not come easily. Nothing worth having is easy, so of course, there have been struggles along the way, but in becoming a Fierce Entrepreneur, Katrina is finding every one of the struggles well worth what comes after that. Initially, starting a business can be challenging for anyone, and she would venture to say her struggles weren’t unique to her, from the online presence and consistency in branding to managing the business financials. She went through it all, learning plenty along the way. We are so excited to now have her  Sales Funnels Playbook!   

Katrina’s book is live on Amazon Print & Ebook and will be available on Walmart, Target, and Barnes & Noble By January 14. 

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