Kat Kitinam pulls off curvaceous stretches and poses as Cammy and Manon from Street Fighter 6 during cosplays

Kat Kitinam pulls off curvaceous stretches and poses as Cammy and Manon from Street Fighter 6 during cosplays

Like all other returning characters, Cammy’s attire was reworked for Street Fighter 6. Aside from her appearance in the Street Fighter Alpha series, Cammy has mostly looked the same throughout the Street Fighter franchise.

Generally speaking, fans have been expecting to see Cammy with a thong leotard, red gauntlets, black boots, red socks, and a red beret. Variations of this look had Cammy trading camouflaged paint for gun holsters and straps.

In Street Fighter 6, she instead wears a sports bra, yoga pants, red gauntlets (the right one reaches a little further down her forearm), dark blue socks, red boots, a black choker, and a leather jacket with the United Kingdom logo plastered on the back of it. Additionally, Cammy’s blonde hair has now been trimmed so that it only reaches to her shoulders.

As it turns out, Cammy’s reworked design has apparently inspired Kat Kitinam to cosplay as the character. She pulls off a number of stretches and poses while portraying the classic Street Fighter rep.

Needless to say, one of the stretches that Kat Kitinam pulls off appears to be based off of one of Cammy’s taunts in Street Fighter 6. This particular taunt has become quite meme-worthy within the fighting game community since it debuted during Cammy’s trailer.

Like most other characters in Street Fighter 6, Cammy’s involvement in the World Tour’s main story is pretty minimal. She’s actually the first character that the player avatar can visit as a result of completing a side quest. Until that specific side quest is complete, the United Kingdom location on the world map is deserted and barren.

Check out Kat Kitinam’s depiction of Cammy as she appears in Street Fighter 6 below:

It turns out that Kat Kitinam has also cosplayed as Manon, one of the newcomers introduced in Street Fighter 6. Like Lily and Zangief, Manon’s gameplay style is best described as a grappler archetype.

Manon fights with an interesting combination of judo and ballet dancing. Manon’s command grabs are often performed during complicated dance maneuvers.

Unique to Manon is her Medal Level system. Every time she performs a command grab, her Medal Level raises by one, up to a maximum five. Her command grabs become significantly stronger as her Medal Level is increased. What’s most scary about this system is that it persists between rounds.

Check out Kat Kitinam’s Manon cosplay below:
