Justin Wong tries to find a better fighting game comeback than Evo Moment 37 as the best of all time

Justin Wong tries to find a better fighting game comeback than Evo Moment 37 as the best of all time

Everyone here is almost assuredly quite familiar with Evo Moment #37 and the impact its continued to have on the fighting game community, but there’s been plenty of other ridiculous comebacks that have taken place since then.

The legendary Justin Wong, who was of course on the receiving end of the Daigo Parry at Evo 2004, recently decided to try and see if he could find a comeback that could beat it as the best of all time.

After setting the pace by watching the Street Fighter 3 moment go down again 20 years later, Justin goes into another classic with his own “Never give up” comeback against IFC|YipeS in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 with his solo Cyclops, which he says he’s not even sure how it happened at Evo 2007.

Those aren’t the only highlights from the Marvel days JWong brings back up either.

BST|Daigo Umehara also gets some love for Street Fighter 2 as well as when he clawed his way back against Mouz|Problem X at Red Bull Kumite in Street Fighter 5.

For some wider examples, he takes a look at other iconic matches like Dogura vs. Garireo in BlazBlue at Evo 2014, Reynald’s crazy Chin vs. Hee San Woo in King of Fighters 13 at Evo 2013, SonicFox vs. Nicolas in Mortal Kombat 11, Snake Eyez vs. Xian at Evo 2014, CAG|Go1 vs. TSM|Leffen in Dragon Ball FighterZ and a few others.

Check out Justin’s new video below, and let us know in the comments if any of these are better than Evo Moment #37 or if you have a different favorite not here.
