Justin Wong brings impossible Zangief challenge with max damage and all bonuses to be a true nightmare for tournament players

Justin Wong brings impossible Zangief challenge with max damage and all bonuses to be a true nightmare for tournament players

Battling against the computer is something that many seasoned fighting game players overlook and ignore, but Street Fighter 6 can bring a real challenge with its advantage settings.

Longtime fighting game legend Justin Wong brought back his impossible challenge to the attendees of NEC 2023 to face off against a Zangief maxed out with all bonuses and level 8 CPU… and all they need to do is win a single game to score $20.

Things start out about as rough as you could imagine with players not realizing how busted this grappler is and how much damage he can dish out.

For those unaware, giving a character all five stars in the advantage category lands them three times normal damage, starting the game with level 3 Super meter, Drive Gauge usage is only 20% of normal and auto health recovery set to high, so it’s not just about landing a few combos.

Like this, Zangief can literally KO anyone in two clean hits, but sometimes he really only needs the one if he decides to use Super or gets an air SPD.

The Drive Gauge discount is also huge considering that lets Gief do like six Drive Rush cancels in a combo and not even burn out.

Even with those handicaps, however, there is at least one player who gets that $20 from JWong and maybe even two.

We won’t spoil who though of course, so you’ll just have to watch and enjoy a bunch of players getting slapped silly by Zangief with Justin below.
