Bonus stages have been part of the Street Fighter formula since the very first Street Fighter entry. Of course, it’s not hard to see that this feature has only improved since its debut.
Jmcrofts recently released a video that had him reviewing all the bonus stages of the mainline Street Fighter games. As expected, he didn’t really enjoy Street Fighter 1’s bonus games since they were confusing and felt random.
Street Fighter 2’s bonus stages are simply iconic. Anyone growing up during this era would surely be able to recognize these stages.
However, Jmcrofts appears to believe that Street Fighter 3 had the best bonus game with the basketball stage, and for good reason. Unlike other bonus stages which mostly served as distractions, the basketball minigame actually taught a fundamental part of Street Fighter 3 as it encourage players to practice their parry timings.
Street Fighter 6’s recreation of the basketball scenario also appeared to be quite fun for Jmcrofts. It even provided some interesting twists in the minigame that also did a good job of teaching the player about the Drive Gauge mechanic.
By the end of it all, Jmcrofts felt confident enough to create a bonus game tier list for the mainline Street Fighter series. Check it all out below:
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