Jmcrofts discusses the strongest characters of each archetype across all fighting games

Jmcrofts discusses the strongest characters of each archetype across all fighting games

Jmcrofts recently released an interesting video highlighting specific characters of each of the main archetypes of fighting games — rush down, zoning, grappler, bruiser, puppet, and Shoto. According to Jmcrofts, these characters are the strongest versions of each archetype among iconic fighting games (a character like Ivan Ooze from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition probably isn’t being counted here).

For rush down, Jmcrofts mentions characters like Chipp, Millia, and Cammy as notable examples characters that fit the rush down archetype. However, Jmcrofts ultimately decides that Magneto from Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is the strongest representation of the playstyle.

One of the best aspects of Magneto is his ability to mix up opponents simply by dashing at them. Even while at full screen, Magneto can reach his opponent with just a single dash command. Due to the speed and versatility of his eight-way air dash, he’s able to keep opponents guessing and give them no time to breathe.

Happy Chaos from Guilty Gear Strive ended up being the strongest representative of the zoner archetype. It’s funny to think that the designers gave Happy Chaos two unique resource types with his ammunition and focus meter in hopes of keeping the character in check.

However, Happy Chaos still ended up being a top tier threat in Guilty Gear Strive ever since he was released as a DLC character. His ability to keep opponents locked down with his projectiles is unlike anything else.

Check out who Jmcrofts determined was the strongest among the grappler, bruiser, puppet, and Shoto archetypes in the video below:
