Japanese pro Fuudo wears cool Dee Jay costume for Halloween after winning big Street Fighter 6 tournament with the character

Jus cool

Japanese pro Fuudo wears cool Dee Jay costume for Halloween after winning big Street Fighter 6 tournament with the character

It’s finally that time of year again where everyone can basically costume up as basically whatever the hell they want, and it’s always fun to see what some of those in the fighting game community come up with.

Longtime Japanese pro BST|Fuudo apparently decided he wanted to be Dee Jay this year after winning a big Street Fighter 6 tournament with the character this past weekend.

Although he doesn’t have the Maximum chain or blinged out headphones, Fuudo was able to get surprisingly close to Dee Jay’s SF6 outfit with what he could probably find at local stores and online — including the maracas.

I’m also pretty sure I have the exact same gloves for an old Akihiko cosplay except they’re red, but that’s neither here nor there.

Just a few days ago, Fuudo also won the absolutely stacked Capcom Pro Tour World Warrior Japan #5 event where over 440 players signed up.

He had to defeat the likes of GG|Moke, Ibushigin|Yanai, SNB|Yamaguchi, KEI.B and finally WRZT|Nemo in grand finals where he was on absolute fire.

This isn’t the first SF6 costume of note we’ve seen recently either with AEW star Kenny Omega cosplaying his main Manon at his latest match too.
