It isn’t good for the fighters when the bonus car stage actually fights back…

It isn't good for the fighters when the bonus car stage actually fights back...

The bonus car stage in Street Fighter 2 has become an iconic moment within video games. Of course, it’s important to remember that this is actually based on the bonus game that first appeared in Final Fight.

During this bonus segment, the player (or players) has a limited amount of time to completely destroy a car for bonus points. In Final Fight specifically, the owner of the vehicle has his day completely ruined by this event.

What if the car owner was around when the player began destroying it? 81Standard has a funny video that showcases how this scene would then play out.

During what appears to be a Final Fight playthrough, Cody, Guy, and Haggar decide to start attacking a guy’s car while he sits inside of it. Upon noticing this, the guy in the car chooses to drive off.

However, the scene doesn’t end there as the car owner wants revenge for the damage dealt to his ride. As such, the three ended up getting ran over, resulting in a game over for all three of them.

In a bonus scene, the trio decides to make amends by giving the guy a free car wash. This time, the man is crying tears of happiness.

Check it all out below:
