By Emmanuel Odok
The government of the day needs put a stop to the unlawful extortions, harrassment and intimidation that has been going on in the state, most especially in Calabar the state capital. What the “law enforcement agents” are doing is illegal and unacceptable.
Considering the dwindling economy and the hardship it has brought upon the citizens, I feel the governor should not have allowed people to be extorting money from those trying to eke a living.
Tke Road Safety, VIO, DOPT, WRONG PARKING for cars and Keke, etc enforcements are on the road, only to boost government treasury and their personal accounts to the detriment the “poor” citizens.
I therefore call on the state government to look into all these illegal ways of generating revenue and ensure that these agents desist forthwith.
A tourist destination and an investor friendly state as Cross River cannot afford to be characterized as such.
God bless the governor, God bless Cross River State!
God is watching!