Is this the worst combo in Street Fighter 6?

Is this the worst combo in Street Fighter 6?

As seasoned fighting game players, many of us spend quite a bit of time trying to figure out what’s optimal to do in any given combo / exchange, but what if you went literally in the exact opposite direction?

One of our favorite artists with a great sense of humor in Shuckle recently showed off just what that would look like with perhaps the worst combo possible in Street Fighter 6.

Shuckle first put out a quick clip performing a Jamie combo that burned through all of his Drive Gauge and Super meter in seconds for a measly 1121 damage, but that was just scratching the surface.

As they put it, to go even farther beyond, one must try and force as much damage scaling as possible.

To do so, Shuckle begins the combo with a perfect parry for high scaling from the start before going into the command grab for even more scaling and performing multiple Drive Rushes off light punches with the cherry on top doing so in Modern controls for the extra damage decrease.

With that, you have all 3 bars of Super meter drained plus 9 bars of Drive Gauge for 17 hits that does a whopping 870 damage.

And yes you read that right, 9 bars of Drive Gauge spent due to the bonus from Jamie’s level 2 Super, so it’s even extra wasteful than basically any other character can manage.

To help put that into perspective, that’s less damage than just one palm strike from his Swagger Step and about a third less than a regular throw.

And now we’re just curious to see who can come up with a worse / more wasteful combo in this game because that’s fascinating and hilarious to see this taken to such an extreme.
