Interview: CENSA expresses fear over 2019 general elections

Interview: CENSA expresses fear over 2019 general elections
Obeten Emmanuel
Nyok|18 June 2018 
‘Our greatest fear is political desperation and by extension, hijacking the elections and preventing the votes of the masses from counting. We just pray things would not go that way.’

Comrade Obeten Emmanuel 
 CENSA-WW chief. 
Recently, Comrade Obeten Emmanuel 
the incumbent CENSA-WW chief granted NegroidHaven an interview where he fielded questions bordering on the objective of the student body, their greatest fear in respect of the forthcoming 2019 general elections, their stance on political issues and their needs. What follows is an excerpt of the interaction between NegroidHaven and Comr Emmanuel. 
NH: What Is CENSA?
OE: CENSA is an acronym that stands for Central Senatorial Students Assembly of Cross River State Worldwide (CENSA-WW)
This is the Apex students body that superceeds all Union activities in Central and it comprises of students from the sixty six (66) Council wards and eight hundred and fifty (850) polling units in Central Senatorial district of Cross River State, Worldwide. 
The association is functioning as an academic body aimed at creating awareness on the need to follow the right path academically and socially, with the view of creating a new political consciousness on the part of our people.
CENSA is a non partisan students association with interest in the welfare of students of the Cross River Central Senatorial district. CENSA is the vanguard (Union Super Market) students body in Cross River State.
NH: What’s CENSA-WW Position on The Forthcoming Election?
OE: As earlier said, the association is without particular interest in the coming election. However, the association and government are not mutually exclusive. Government does not exist in a vacuum. We ought to be interested in who governs us and should show that as much as we can. Meanwhile, CENSA would not be in support of thuggery, violence nor any other malpractice in the quest for political ascension.
NH: Who’s CENSA queuing behind? 
OE: Nobody. I repeat, Nobody. CENSA would trace antecedents to clue up on the aspirants and take a position in due cause. The organisation has patrons and matrons and have been existing on the sheer benevolence of well-meaning and supportive ‘Central Fathers’.
NH: On the Old Ikom/Obubra Debate, What’s CENSA’S take? 
OE: For CENSA, we respect these two blocks and the interest they present. In our internal election, we zone the leadership between the two divides and follow it up to the later. However, other factors play in the mainstream politics, e.g National and State appointments, governorship seat, etc. CENSA is absolutely indifferent on the debate. What we want is the best.

NH: What’s CENSA’S major fear in the coming elections?
OE: Our greatest fear is political desperation and by extension, hijacking the elections and preventing the votes of the masses from counting. We just pray things would not go that way.
NH: For CENSA, What’s the major thing the next senator-elect should do for Central Cross River state?
OE: CENSSA needs educational support for her student members in Primary, Secondary and tertiary institutions. Facilitating a bursary is the greatest wish of CENSSA, Opportunities for students to acquire Entrepreneur training, A sound Bus for the Unions Mobility, vocational training, et al would be an add-on to the expectation.
NH: What is is the most unique thing you can say about CENSA?
OE: Finally, the CENSA chief in reaction to the question smiled and said; Like I mentioned earlier, CENSA is an assembly unlike others that called themselves National Association. We assemble, make decisions then the Northern and Southern Cross River State Students quie behind the decision…that is why we are the Unions’ Super Market and Vanguard students body in Cross River State.
Is the Blogger-in-Chief, Editor-in-Chief & Publisher of NegroidHaven