Inok Solomon on Vena Ikem: I am not an Evangelist of Old School Politics

Inok Solomon on Vena Ikem: I am not an Evangelist of Old School Politics
Inok Solomon, Special Assistant at Cross River State Government House 
By Inok Solomon 

Vena Ikem, your attempt to make my hope and faith in God stupid, with your ridiculous comment on my post, exposes your singular wish to preserve the past rather than the hope of creating the future. The same attitude that dominates the minds of those who control the setting foundations of our present collapsing systems. Today, those with such a mind-set are battling with the state progress and worst still, polluting today’s generation minds and killing their future.

Time to separate Politics of Vena Ikem, from who I am and what I want, desire and have faith to build for myself and my future generation. To do this, I need to x-ray future promises based on the antecedent of the makers of these promises. All are making promises based on the wishes to preserve the past rather than the hope of creating the future.

Why is this so? Simple, comparing the Superhighway, Deep Seaport, Garment Factory, Rice City, Calapharm and lots more; dreams and ideas they shout by day as unattainable, with their Promises and what in the past, these doubters had on ground, that they fight so hard to preserve. On this account, I came to a realisation that anyone, be a leader or follower, who hold so strong to the past by fighting all the good of the present, is a future growth killer. Vena Ikem will rather support haphazard non sustainable projects against projects of ‘Deep Vision.’ Why?

Because these haphazard projects, will put more money in their pockets, and what will the government of the day say when they look at themselves as Political Bulldozers? All our Rural Roads contracts awarded to our own brothers and sisters, get damaged before commissioning date, yet the contractors build mansions and have no one living in them, and call them Capital Gains. Highest investments they venture into are Hotels that see no light after they get out of political front lines.

Dr. Clement Isong in 1994 stated, “Intractable economic and political problems have conspired to whittle down our national self-confidence and hopes for which we need the reassurance that would kindle our optimism and dream about a better future. So that we would be able to persevere and ride over the storms that buffeted our ship of state and imperilled even our collective existence…”

What then does Vena Ikem hold in his promises and argument for feeling so good about 9th December, 2016? Simple, leadership that will put an end to all the developmental projects that will turn around the economy, create enabling environment for wealth creation and make the old system obsolete.

Vena Ikem, instead of following every one of your Information Age children to still do things in accord with the Industrial Age, why not allow us add flesh to the Skeleton you have left of our state? At least you took part in building the Skeleton but the rules of building the Flesh seem different from that of the Skeleton and you are only forcing rules that matters not to us today.