Indiana: St. Sava Serbian Church (Merrillville) celebrates 110th anniversary

Merrillville, Indiana, November 22, 2024

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The parish community of one of the most magnificent Serbian Orthodox churches in America recently celebrated its 110th anniversary.

St. Sava Church has moved several times since its founding in 1914, and in May 1991, its present church was consecrated on Mississippi Street in Merrillville, Indiana.

I will build My Church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.”
Matthew 16:18

Referencing the Lord’s words in Mt. 16:18: I will build My Church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it, parish rector Very Rev. Stavrophor Marko Matic writes:

How comforting and true these words are. Our history reflects their enduring truth. Through the tragedy of the First World War, during which our parish sent so many volunteers, to the hardships of the Great Depression, and the devastation of the Second World War, our Saint Sava Church has been a steadfast source of aid and comfort. In more recent history, during the painful war of the 1990s, the church once again stood as a refuge for those in need.

Like a good and fruitful vineyard, with countless dedicated workers and families, Saint Sava Church has offered not only material support but also spiritual nourishment for over 100 years. It has provided everything necessary for life and salvation, remaining a home and sanctuary through every trial.

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The 110th anniversary was celebrated with the Indiana: St. Sava Serbian Church (Merrillville) celebrates 110th anniversaryVicar Bishop for Serbian Midwestern America Diocese consecrated in BelgradeOn Sunday, October 13, a vicar bishop was consecrated for the Serbian Orthodox Church’s Diocese of New Gračanica and Midwestern America.

“>newly consecrated His Grace Bishop Serafim of Kostajnica and visiting clergy. Faithful from neighboring parishes also attended the celebration, including the entire community of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Indiana Harbor, which was closed for the day in order to celebrate with the St. Sava Church.

Following the Liturgy, a memorial service was held for the departed founders and parishioners of the church. The celebration then continued with a banquet in the social center and a program featuring performances by the parish’s choir and folklore groups and an inspiring keynote speech by Very Rev. Jovan Todorovic, a former priest of the church.

Bp. Serafim concluded the event with his blessing, wishing the congregation many more years and special anniversaries to come.


According to the parish website, the St. Sava Church and School aim:

  • to protect, preserve and perpetuate the true teaching of the Orthodox Faith, together with all Serbian traditions and customs;

  • to accept persons into the Holy Orthodox Faith through Holy Baptism and to guide them into family life through marriage according to the teachings and traditions of the Church;

  • to, through appropriate teaching, edify the believers towards spiritual and moral perfection, to foster mutual brotherly love and unity, and to mold worthy and loyal citizens of these United States of America,

  • to establish and maintain Church and Serbian Schools and to help organize programs for the spiritual and moral upbringing of the children and youth;

  • to preach and practice charity as a high ideal of our Christian religion;

  • to preserve our ancestral tradition of interring members of our church who depart this life

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