IMPRESSIVE: 122 Year's Old Efik Gong still Resident in the Ancient City of Calabar!

IMPRESSIVE: 122 Year's Old Efik Gong still Resident in the Ancient City of Calabar!

IMPRESSIVE: 122 Year's Old Efik Gong still Resident in the Ancient City of Calabar!

Efio-Ita Nyok|26 April 2016|7:13am

The gong which you are observing in this pictures is allegedly 122 years. See the imprints of the date(1894).

It's still resident in Calabar in one of the large royal houses called, Ufok Ekpo Edem (Ironbar's). It came with a brass counterpart. It is also known to be imported by an Efik royal, Coffie Adam Iron Bar Duke, who must have been wealthy and evidently influential.

The photo shot lend credence to the assertion which goes thus: Efik edi mbakara translated as the Efik are Whites.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroid Haven