If your child has a trait in their gene you don’t possess, just know your promiscuous wife once slept with a criminal

If your child has a trait in their gene you don

A Nigerian man has stated that when a child puts out a trait that the father doesn’t possess, it means the child’s mother previously slept with a “criminal.”


Chidi wrote” “As a man who married a non virgin, if you realize that your child has a trait in their gene you don’t possess like stealing or being violent, just know your promiscuous wife once slept with a criminal. You’ll spend your savings raising a child with another man’s dna and traits. You can’t marry a woman who has fraudsters and criminals dna inside of her and expects to raise good children. That’s just one of the punishments you’ll face for going against the word of God.”


If your child has a trait in their gene you don
If your child has a trait in their gene you don

