If you thought Jamie’s infinite stun bug in Street Fighter 6 was impractical and training mode only, it’s not

We’re seeing it used in real matches now

If you thought Jamie's infinite stun bug in Street Fighter 6 was impractical and training mode only, it's not

Last week, we here at EventHubs caught wind of a new bug in Street Fighter 6 that allows Jamie to stun an opponent in the corner and keep stunning them over and over again by performing a specific set of actions. While it may have looked to some like something you’d only ever see done in training mode or in a combo video, the fact of the matter is that setting up this bug is proving to be fairly practical.

Over the last few days, I’ve seen several clips of real matches where the Jamie bug was being utilized. New footage posted by DaFeetLee on X (formerly Twitter) does a great job of showing how Jamie players can definitely use this unintended behavior to their advantage right now.

In the clip, we see DaFeetLee’s Jamie squaring off against a Zangief player online. The action begins with a level 2 drunk Jamie pressuring his burnt out opponent as he inches the grappler towards the corner.

Unfortunately for the Zangief player, Gief’s level 1 super does not act as an invincible reversal, and that is all he has stocked at the moment the first Drive Impact comes into play. Zangief gets stunned, and since Jamie is at least at level 1 here, he is able to get two more drinks in while Gief is stunned, then snatch him up with an Overdrive command throw.

For those who missed it, this Jamie bug requires he have at least one drink stocked before stunning the opponent in the corner. If those requirements are met, he can get two more drinks in and an OD command throw, then he gets another drink as the opponent is crumpled and slowly falls to the floor.

Doing all of this makes it so that the opponent does not lose their burnout despite having been already stunned by Drive Impact. The idea here is that Jamie gets this powerful sequence, but keeps the opponent in burnout, and as long as his foe doesn’t have the resources to escape, Jamie can loop this over and over again to keep stunning the opponent.

Now, the community is calling this an infinite and saying that Jamie can do it indefinitely, but that isn’t entirely true despite him being able to do it a lot in one sitting. Eventually, the opponent’s Drive Gauge bar will fill back up and cause them to escape burnout, but depending on how early Jamie does this set up, he can get in several reps and power up immensely before landing a big punish combo to close everything out.

In DaFeetLee’s case, he manages to score three full stuns on Zangief before closing things out with a stun combo.

Street Fighter 6’s mechanics dictate that you cannot stun an opponent more than once when they’re burnt out, so it is pretty much guaranteed that this is indeed a bug and it will be patched out at some point. That being said, Jamie players can and are using this in real matches right now, so beware.
