If you think Street Fighter 6’s combos are stale and have no sauce then you need to watch this right now

If you think Street Fighter 6's combos are stale and have no sauce then you need to watch this right now

Street Fighter 6’s Drive Mechanics are the corner stone of the game’s combo system. Using maneuvers like Drive Rush raw for juggles or cancels into more attack strings make up the building blocks for more interesting and intricate sequences in the game, and Capcom even encourages players to jump right in by starting every round with a full Drive Meter.

Despite the variety of different options players have at their disposal, some fans still believe that Street Fighter 6 is a bit stale on the combo front due to things like several optimal damage punishes utilizing very similar routes across numerous characters. However, if you are one of the people out there that feels SF6 has a lack of sauce and style, then you need to see the following clip.

A really impressive Rashid sequence was recently uploaded onto Twitter by TatsuShoryu that puts together a string of plays for ultimate swag.

The inspiration for coming up with this whole thing was the aforementioned take that some people have. We know this because TatsuShoryu’s only text that accompanies this clip in the tweet literally is a quote saying “SF6 has no sauce.”

In an attempt to prove those people wrong, TatsuShoryu constructed a series of Rashid plays that in its entirety obeys all meter limits and results in a fully knocked out Guile.

This clip literally kicks off with a punish counter sweep from Rashid which results in a hard knockdown of Guile. A quick frame kill into Rashid’s cartwheel to the other side of the opponent presents the perfect timing for him to jump out of said cartwheel and back over Guile, which results in the opponent narrowly whiffing his wake up Overdrive Flash Kick.

With Guile being big punishable here, Rashid Drive Rushes in for a hard-hitting punish that juggles Guile across the screen, then hits Rashid’s notoriously tough to pull off low-to-the-ground jumping down heavy punch tech. Doing so allows Rashid to bypass the bounce off of the opponent he normally does with this move, return to the ground very quickly, and extend the combo — which TatsuShoryu does.

It’s at this point that Rashid is able to run and slide into the opponent during the ground bounce of the down + heavy punch and put himself into the right corner all while taking advantage of one of his new Season 2 buffs. The second hit of the run slide is cancelled right into level 2 super, and after taking one hit of the giant tornado, Guile is finally released from his combo hell only to be put right back into a fresh hell.

With the large tornado at his side, Rashid runs up on Guile for pressure and creates a common scenario you’d see in a match against Rashid. Guile whiffs a throw to try and escape the tornado, but Rashid shimmies and gets a double side switch combo using the tornado that again ends in the very difficult to hit consistently jumping down heavy punch tech.

Rashid gets another run slide here to now put himself into the OTHER corner before canceling into level 1 super and concluding the whole thing.

When all is said and done, what we have here is nearly a 2-touch sequence that travels all over the screen, carries from midscreen to corner to other corner, utilizes multiple side switches mid-combo, lands some really tough to execute links, narrowly evades a big reversal, deals a ton of damage, and closes out with a flashing Perfect screen.

Short of maybe a microwalk (which might be in there somewhere) and some Drive Impact shenanigans, this whole sequence checks a lot of the boxes players aim for when trying to construct impressive combos and plays here in Street Fighter 6.
