I don't've any problem being submissive to my husband, Christian ladies reply feminists

I don't've any problem being submissive to my husband, Christian ladies reply feminists

Efio-Ita Nyok|18 September 2016

Feminism a noun alleged to have been first used in 1895 has been defined variously. Albeit, its basic delineation revolves around the belief that, 'men and women should have equal rights and opportunities' in society; thus, any organised activity in 'support of women's rights and interests' is deemed feminist according to Merriam Webster's dictionary. In essence, feminism sues for the political, economic, cultural and social equality of the sexes.

This idea runs counter with the beliefs of some conservative societies/cultures or even religions especially Christianity. Paul the apostle in his epistles to the early Church contends that men are superior to women especially in the smallest unit of society —family.

But, outside the home circle does the Bible really says that men are superior to women in society as it is largely held? Again, the man in being the head of the home, does it translate to the woman being subservient? The answers to these questions is contained in the banner you find in this publication.

In this banner you will find an unprecedented reply to feminist proposition and how Christian ladies have interpreted Scriptures in response to feminism. Happy reading.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroidhaven.org