'I didn't die cause you played messiah on me', youth confesses to Pamela Ofem, fmr SUG Vice president of CRUTECH

'I didn't die cause you played messiah on me', youth confesses to Pamela Ofem, fmr SUG Vice president of CRUTECH

Efio-Ita Nyok|20 June 2017 
For as long as I live, I will ensure someone else live. Good things must go on. I didn't die cause you played messiah on me. I live to fight each day now cause there is a new meaning to life —David Daniels, 10th June 2017, 21:37. 
The David Daniels to whom the above statement is credited to is a one-time depressed teenager Miss Pamela Ofem, a heart-of-gold former Vice President of Cross River University of Technology Student Union Government (CRUTECH SUG) salvaged by the whiskers from suicidal tendency four years ago. 
In one of her usual outings, Miss Ofem had met with her friends in Cross River State capital city, Calabar, for lunch when she stumbled on Mr Daniels (also in the company) l who later, on giving close scrutiny on and certain of her identity broke the story of the saving grace of her at-the-spur-of-moment call that made him consider a rethink of the suicide he has already embarking on. Mr Daniels confessed to the fact that Miss Ofem's call made the difference and gave him back his life. Excerpts of their respective confessions:
Miss Ofem: 'On Saturday one of my business associates and friend Chelsey invited me over for lunch together with Molly, Abam and Moncherry with Sammy Ndem; incidentally, when I got there a boy in his early twentieth was there too. 
'Chelsey introduced him to us as her little boy that does spoken word challenge. 
After about an hour, the boy turned and asked me: Ma do you remember a boy you saved from committing suicide 4 years back? And really I couldn't place it. 
'He opened his phone showing me messages of what he wrote down about that incident and how he has been looking for me to thank me.
'My dear that was when I remembered a little boy that wanted to take his life because of issues of life and I was able to talk to him, called him, and prayed and today he is a testimony #Tears 
'… I feel humbled to be an instrument GOD used to keep a soul and destiny alive today and I sure won't stop. 
Daniels corroboration: 'Pamela Ofem On that said day you saved me, I woke up all mentally disturbed and ready to end my life. I was too young to understand what was going on around me. My family wasn't aware, no one was. I was in my state of solitude and gloom. 
'I looked happy outside like most teens but I was dying inside. I felt the best recipe to put an end to a miserable life is to drink a toxin or stab oneself till they passed out. I watched it in movies, I saw how easier it was for them. I didn't wanna die unannounced but I don't want a situation where anyone will be aware that I was dying immediately. 
'I came online on Facebook, and I posted 'Goodbye world'. Everyone else liked and commented like it's a normal post, but you alone understood.
'We have never spoken before then, my phone rang just when I wanted to drink the toxin. I looked up at my screen and it had only number and no dialer's name. The first words you spoke were 'I know you are about to end your life. Don't do it. Think about your family. Think about the world. You're still young and full of potentials. Come online let's talk more, so you can tell me what is wrong with you”. I couldn't take my life as earlier intended. It finally dawn on me that all I needed was someone to talk to, turn to and lean on. You saved my life Pamela. I have always looked for you, glad I saw you today. I owe you my life'.
This account sounds too good, too real to be true! But, there you go —when you go through her 10th June timeline, you feel the pulse of certainty and verisimilitude. 
Mr Daniels has proceeded to intellectually grasp the root causes of suicide. See how he captures it crisply: '
Pamela Ofem You're all messiahs in your own endeavours. You might not see the magnitude at which your influence in the world is felt but since someone else gave me this opportunity to live, I will let someone else live. 
I know suicidal tendencies are mostly higher in teenagers than adults or miniature adults, that's why I ventured into studying child's psychology so I could know what triggers this emotional position in people… 
One of the causes of suicide is depression. Another is negligence by parents and love ones. Another is snide comments on one's personality. Another is hardship. With this few points, you can know how to combat suicide in teenagers since its obvious you're all a life saver. 
'Thanks Pamela, I owe you my life'.
Let's stand to our world-changing, life-influencer, life-giver of a lady —Miss Ofem! Congratulations Pamela! 

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of NegroidHaven