I cannot change my father’s name to a man just because of marriage – Mary-Agnes Bassey

Meet the populous Calabar girl who have been trending on social media for her feminine activism.

I cannot change my father's name to a man just because of marriage - Mary-Agnes Bassey
The female gender promulgator, Miss Mary-Agnes Ansa Bassey Otudor. A seasoned speaker and prolific writer. 

She just dropped a bomb this week on her timeline.

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About a woman retaining her father’s name after marriage.

I once had this relationship with a certain guy… In one of our conversations, I told him that when I eventually get married I won’t change my name.
I told him not changing my surname to his will not make me love my husband less or be a less wife to him or mother of/to his kids. My children will bear his names.

Dude told me that won’t work with him. In fact, we should start reconsidering our relationship.  We had an issue which led to a break up but dude later came back, apologized for Africa as you can see in the picture. He even went as far as telling me that he’ll let me retain my surname if we marry lol.

The issue of retaining my name is one of the things I usually tell anyone interested in having a relationship with me. Just allow me bear my name after marriage and you’ll have the Best wife in the world.
I mean I’m working my ass off, going to schools, getting certificates and laurels which bears my dad’s name and then one day, I’ll be expected to change my name because? I’m married?
Sometimes, I wish I may end up with someone that has Bassey as his first name or surname. That way, society will let me be great.
But then, the way the waves of life is carrying me, I might end up with someone outside my tribe and I pray the person will understand this.

Sometime in December last year, I was talking to this guy who seemed interested in me. I inquired to know his take on “Women keeping their dad’s name after marriage” and what he said to me was a great turn off.

He told me a woman he marries with his MONEY won’t even try that NONSENSE. She belongs to him and his family and everything about her family in her has to go. I’m even putting it in nicer words sef.
He made it look like a woman is a property he acquires. I just knew im not for sale. He could not even make it to the list lol.

The best I’ll do for my husband is attach his name (maybe) to my names. That is, if we have to meet halfway.

I’m a hopeless romantic in love, I can do a thousand and one things for my partner, but then, he should love me enough to keep my name.

After all, People will still refer to me as His wife or Mrs (add husband’s name)

I don’t have a problem with women who changes their names after marriage. Its their choice o. We all have rights to choose what names we want to go with.

This post is to save the lots of you the stress of toasting me when you know you have a problem with this.
