ER Editor: We confess to having little sense of what is happening in Serbia, a country that we believe is naturally close to Russia in its cultural leanings but which has been the subject of much western deep state pressure historically. We offer some tweets on this weekend’s protests which offer us a better perspective —
TWEET WITH THREAD BELOW (check out accompany pictures online) —
Thread —
A Serbian writes about the protest: “Sorry, I don’t want to waste your time, but please understand that there was no Maidan (western deep state overthrow of Ukraine in 2014) in Serbia. We are Serbs, not Ukrainians, we are Orthodox, not Satanists (whoa), today our people did not come to overthrow the government, we came together to express our dissatisfaction with it.” 2/
The same government that works against its people, sells itself to the rich West for little money, and the same government that sold weapons to Ukrainians, many of us Serbs feel betrayed by our government and just want to unite and express our dissatisfaction.” 3/
“Here are some photos from today, the organization and most of the people left as soon as there were any signs of violence, because we know how easy it is to manipulate the masses.” 4/
BREAKING: Police in Serbia used sonic weapons against protesters tonight!
Serbian police have allegedly used sonic weapon against protesters tonight.
Many witnesses report collapsing to the ground, completely disoriented.
— Mario ZNA (@MarioBojic) March 15, 2025
From last summer —
A reminder that NATO bombed Belgrade, Serbia for 79 days straight during the time when the existing larger state of Yugoslavia got destroyed and carved up into smaller states. See this —
Bombing to bring peace
On March 24, 1999, NATO attacked Serbia and bombed it for two and half months. Around two thousand civilians were killed – a figure most often quoted locally and probably realistic. Milosevic’s regime quoted a figure of five thousand, NATO of five hundred. There is more agreement about the number of Serbian soldiers (both in the military service and the reservists) and policemen killed – seven hundred and two hundred respectively. The material damages are between thirty and fifty billion dollars. As a result, Serbia, which had been poor, became even poorer, unemployment increased and wages decreased.
Milosevic’s regime claimed that NATO killed civilians intentionally. For its part, NATO defended itself by stating that these were “collateral damages.” The truth was somewhere in the middle – due to Western public opinion, NATO planners had to show concern that there be no large-scale civilian casualties, but they did not make a major effort to decrease civilian casualties as much as possible. The pilots were, for example, allowed to drop bombs, both “smart’ and “dumb,” from great heights on targets which were not clearly visible.
Inflicting “moderate” suffering on the civilian population suited NATO planners – the suffering would be used to break the population’s will to resist and force it to rise up against Milosevic. …
RT has this —
Dozens injured in Belgrade protests (VIDEOS)
ER: This was put out on Friday, before yesterday’s protests —