How to identify and beat cheaters in Street Fighter 6

Broski teaches how to spot what cheats are being used and some of the best ways to counter them

How to identify and beat cheaters in Street Fighter 6

Cheaters are still an issue in Street Fighter 6. If you’ve ever noticed an opponent online making a lot of the right calls in a match at exactly the right times, there’s a chance you may have encountered someone who isn’t quite playing by the rules.

Content creator Broski has tackled several videos on Street Fighter 6 cheaters, and in his latest venture teaches viewers not only how to identify when someone is cheating, but also some of the best ways to adjust on the fly and counter them.

The latest culprit is a player in Europe by the name of Akuma King. Their name will likely change as they get figured out, but Broski shares their unique profile code as well in case you want to block them.

When it comes to cheaters in Street Fighter 6, the ways in which some players break the rules can be less obvious than you’d expect. Essentially, some folks use PC scripts that are designed to automatically counter common, frequently used maneuvers such as Drive Rushes, special moves, Drive Impacts, etc.

A lot of times, these things can just look like very sound reads from the opponent, but if you know what to look for, they can also be dead giveaways that someone is actually cheating. Broski shows us how he recently identified this cheater based on some of the tactics they were using.

He walks us through a replay where, right at the very beginning of the match, the Akuma player counters one of Broski’s fireballs with an instant medium kick Tatsu to go through it. Thinking this was a little odd, Broski then fired off one of A.K.I.’s light punch whips, which was again instantly countered by a Drive Impact.

Generally when it comes to cheaters online, you’ll want to pay attention to just how fast their counters are coming out. In almost all cases, these counters happen on the exact same frame as the start up of your move, which heavily signifies that there’s something nefarious helping them do it.

Realizing that something is off here, Broski continues to test the opponent to see what kind of scripts they’re using exactly. He notices that fireballs are being jumped over every time right when they start up, as well as automatic checks for raw Drive Rushes.

Broski then shows how, through the process of elimination, he is able to find maneuvers and attacks that the cheater’s scripts aren’t reacting to. Faster normals, like lights and mediums, don’t seem to trigger any auto Drive Impacts or perfect parries, but Broski does find that the player is using an automatic whiff punisher that sweeps whenever Broski whiffs crouching medium kick.

He then finds an exploit that the script can’t quite account for, which ultimately helps him win the match. Broski goes on to watch other replays where players have beaten this same cheater to see how they did it, and similarly, they found specific tactics that the scripts just can’t seem to keep up with.

Be sure to check out Broski’s full video below as it has some very strong insight into finding and stopping cheaters in Street Fighter 6.
