How to Get an Invisible Item Frame in Minecraft

Item frames are fairly handy entities, allowing you to display items anywhere. However, due to their obvious texture and border, players usually want to hide them. That’s why invisible item frames are so popular. They essentially display only the item and not themselves. You can get invisible item frames in Minecraft in several ways, and today, we’ll show you the best of them. So, with that, keep reading, and let’s begin!

1. Using a Command (Minecraft 1.17)

Vanilla Minecraft offers the opportunity to obtain invisible item frames through a command. This means you’ll need to have cheats enabled for this to work. You may allow them while creating a new world or in the pause menu by starting a LAN world. Once you’ve got cheats enabled, open Minecraft chat with the “T” key and type in the following command:

/give @p item_frame{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b}}

This command will insert a new item frame item in your inventory, which you can place just like normal ones. Though, it will not be visible. You may still put items in it and rotate them. Just make sure you remember where you put the frame. Furthermore, note that this command is not available on the newer versions of the game but on Minecraft 1.17. Nonetheless, try it out in this version to get an invisible item frame.

2. Using a Texture Pack

Texture packs are third-party files you can import into your Minecraft folder to change the game’s appearance in a way. Some texture packs change the entire game, and others may just change one block or entity. One such texture pack is the Invisible Item Frames.

Simply download it and move it into the “resourcepacks” folder inside your main Minecraft folder. Then, you may enable it inside the pause menu in your world by clicking on the Resource Packs button. Once enabled, all item frames will turn completely invisible.

This is a neat and easy way to get invisible item frames in Minecraft. This pack is available for the latest versions of the game and only affects the regular item fray. We’ve included a link to another texture pack on the Voodoo Packs website that does the same thing.

Texture pack that makes frames invisible

3. Using Mods

The final method of obtaining invisible item frames in Minecraft is related to a great mod. It allows you to toggle the visibility of an item frame by sneaking and punching it. To make it even easier for you, the mod maker made it so the empty item frames are always visible so you can find them.

This is a simple and easy way of determining exactly where you want the invisible frames to be and where the visible ones should be. This is a better solution than a texture pack because it allows you to change only certain frames and not every single one in your world. This mod is mostly available for Fabric, but you can also download an older version for Forge.

Player using a mod to turn item frames invisible

These three methods should work flawlessly on the Java edition of Minecraft. However, Bedrock players will have a bit of a harder time getting invisible item frames. The command doesn’t work, but there are resource packs that allow you to turn item frames invisible. Though, the process of setting this up is quite complicated.

Moreover, you can use armor stands to create a version of invisible item frames. Give the item to an armor stand and then make it invisible. You’ll only be able to see the item. Check out this video tutorial on how to do that exactly.

There you have it. Now you know how to obtain invisible item frames in Minecraft. So, which method will you try out first? Share with us in the comments below!
