How TikTok and Facebook Made This 22 Year Old A Millionaire (Hint: it wasn’t silly videos or pranks)

Facebook and TikTok ads are making people around the world millionaires. Celebrities such as Charli and Dixie Amelio, Chase Hudson, Caleb Natale and Khaby Lame owe their success and fortune to these platforms. While many get caught up on the success of these internet stars, there is also a small group of people making money from behind the camera. Chase Chappell is one of those people. Since dropping out of high school to start his digital marketing agency, he has had the opportunity to work with eight figure brands from around the world. Along the way, he has built multiple seven-figure businesses, spoken at universities, consulted brands on digital marketing, and built the life of his dreams – all by working behind the scenes on Facebook and TikTok ads. Here’s his story.


At sixteen years old, Chase dropped out of high school to pursue a career in digital marketing. He had already learned how the industry worked a bit while managing the social media presence of a luxury watch page he created and having some disagreements with a few of my partners. At the suggestion of one of his good friends, he decided to venture out on his own. “I founded Chappell Digital Marketing with just one client. At the time, I was making about $5,000/month.” Although his friends, teachers and family thought he had lost his mind, he stayed committed to his goal. In just a few years, he had established himself as one of the best digital marketing agencies in the TikTok and Facebook advertising space.

Business Begins To Blossom

In the beginning of his career, he focused largely on whitelisting his agency to other larger companies. This unorthodox approach allowed him to increase his revenue and client base while still establishing himself as a viable brand. “I wanted to work with larger brands. Whitelisting was the best way to do that while I was still establishing my preparation in the industry.” The concept of whitelisting is simple. An individual or company offers to fulfill the services of another company. By doing this, essentially working under another company, he was able to land projects for eight figure clients from around the world. This was certainly a time of growth. “We were gaining clients on our own as well, but whitelisting drove our revenue and gave us experience working with larger companies.”

Breaking Out Of The Bubble

After several years of this approach, Chappell knew it was time to focus solely on his own clients. Now a multi-million dollar agency, Chappell Digital Marketing started pitching larger clients on their own. Armed with the experience and the skill set that they had learned over the last few years, he was quickly able to beat out other agencies for contracts. “Companies couldn’t believe our results. They would double check our numbers just to make sure we weren’t making a mistake.” Eventually, companies would stop double checking his results as they watched their revenues soar. With his success secured, Chappell started expanding his services. “We always want to stay linear, not doing too much, but we realized we had some opportunities for growth.” His company still only focuses on Facebook and Tiktok, but they have added a consulting and education piece to their lineup as a way to provide more value for their clients.

Building A Software Business

Building a successful business is no easy task. Building a successful software company is even harder, but that’s the latest rung you can add to Chappell’s ladder of success. As he grew his business, he noticed that with the constant changes in social media’s practices and policies, it was growing increasingly hard to track the profitability of his client’s ROIs. So he decided to create a software that automated the entire process. “Building the software allows us to focus on other aspects of our clients’ needs and has proven to be a valuable add-on for our client’s. It’s a win-win.” His software,, is one of only a handful on the market and he is looking to scale as the number one solution for automated ad tracking.

Bringing It All Back Together

Whether you are looking to scale your business, drive more revenue, or grow your reach as an influencer, Chappell and his team are more than qualified to take your business to the next level. As he looks to the future, he wants to continue serving his clients and finding the best way for them to scale their business by running Facebook and TikTok ads. If you want to learn more about his marketing agency and training programs by visiting his website You can also keep up with his daily life on Instagram.
