How Atlanta-based political pundit endorsed the leadership style of Nig's Acting President

How Atlanta-based political pundit endorsed the leadership style of Nig's Acting President

Efio-Ita Nyok|10 March 2017

On Thursday 9 March a Nigerian in the diaspora, Atlanta-based development economist, social entrepreneur and public affairs analyst, Mr Princewill Odidi, endorsed the leadership qualities of the acting President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, for its inclusiveness NegroidHaven can say.

Wednesday 8 March was the 60th birthday of Nigeria's Acting President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo. As usual, Osinbajo enjoyed the goodwill of Nigerians. Mr Odidi lauded the leadership style of Mr Acting President for its all-inclusive character. Odidi who x-rayed Osinbajo's stint at the Presidency via a category of thought referred to as 'a 5 minute time of fame' said that the acting president is gradually changing the perception of government and governance in the country. Odidi also noted that the Acting Presidency of Yemi Osinbajo is the best thing to have happened to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and the country.

His words: 'There's what we call “a 5 minute time of fame”. How you use your 5 minute can change your entire career and society's perception of you.

'Osinbajo doing a duet with his wife in an Igbo song. Acting President and his inclusive leadership style is gradually changing the perception of government and governance in Nigeria.

'I will say it again, Acting President Osinbajo 5 minute of fame and exercise of Presidential powers is the best thing that has happened to the APC government and to Nigeria of late. It may be tough today, but with Osinbajo, we can have hope for tommorow. When a Seasoned Professor brings academics and knowledge to leadership, it brings forth successful deliverables.', he continued.

Odidi who made his mind known yesterday via his Facebook account stressed that Nigeria's challenge isn't partisan or tribal but the sheer inability of the country to produce the right person for leadership. He ended his comments with an endorsement of the Acting President. This sounds like a kind of vote of confidence from the diaspora.

'Our problem as a country is not party or tribes, inability to produce the right person at the top has been the problem. If it happens, it does not happen by choice or design, it happens according to Gods Devine plan.

'I wholeheartedly endorse Acting President Osinbajo and his leadership style. To bible students, When the righteous rule what happens…

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of