Hope for Nigeria —By Egorp Offum Aboh

Hope for Nigeria —By Egorp Offum Aboh

Egorp Offum Aboh|24 June 2016|8:32am


Recent economic dynamics,
Have revealed scary statistics,
It's not an abstract mathematics,
But a practical test of macroeconomics.

These are tough times in our economy,
It's clear that oil dependence is a monotony,
Especially as we strive to achieve autonomy,
And freedom from Western capitalist hegemony.

It's true that we're facing a tough time,
Like a punishment for a serious crime,
As most people are complaining of no dime,
But it's global and not peculiar to our clime.

Yes, we have an unfriendly inflation rate,
Couple with an unstable exchange rate,
Plus a rising unemployment rate,
And a falling growth rate.

Of course, there is no need to smile,
When our troubles are lasting longer than a while,
We can hardly go beyond a mile,
With an army of unemployed carrying a file.

I have an unshakable hope,
Despite our economy's downward slope,
It cannot snap our resilient rope,
As a people who can always cope.

We're backward due to our failings,
Which has resulted in untold ills and ailings,
Manifesting hues, cries and wailings,
I believe we can always rise above our failings.

There is pain and suffering in the land,
There is no food in town,
But  no one is yet eating sand,
Because trying times can not keep us down.

There is every reason to be angry,
As we're in a gloomy season,
In the midst of plenty we're hungry,
As if we were guilty of a treason.

We're as a people without a voice,
We've not lose our power to make a choice,
That's the more reason we have to rejoice,
For in due time we shall speak with a powerful voice!

Our economy may not be healthy and sound,
Yet our back is not on the ground,
We've not been going round and round,
But we've always been upward bound!

Egorp Offum Aboh
Is a Poet & Economist