Hollywood star insults Americans after Trump election win

Hollywood star insults Americans after Trump election win

Hollywood star Sharon Stone criticized Americans as “ignorant and arrogant” this week following President-elect Donald Trump’s victory over Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 election.

According to Fox News, Stone’s comments against the American people came this week during her appearance at the Torino Film Festival in Turin, Italy.

In response to a question during a panel discussion regarding her thoughts on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the 66-year-old actress appeared to take a shot at Trump, saying, “This question about the question of violence against women is– is a big one. And I think we have to really stop and think about things. We have to stop and think about who we choose for government, and if, in fact, we are actually choosing our government or if the government is choosing itself.”

Stone then appeared to compare Trump with fascist dictators, saying, “You know, Italy has seen fascism. Italy has seen these things, you guys. You understand what happens. You have seen this before.”

After warning about alleged fascism, the Hollywood actress criticized the American people, saying, “My country is in its adolescence. Adolescence is very arrogant. Adolescence thinks it knows everything. Adolescence is naive and ignorant and arrogant. And we are in our ignorant, arrogant adolescence.”

READ MORE: Video: Hollywood star says ‘Americans are very uninformed about reality’

Stone claimed that Americans have never seen fascism before and that American citizens who do not travel and do not have a passport are “uneducated” and are “in their extraordinary naïveté.”

After criticizing Americans for being “ignorant” and “arrogant,” the 66-year-old actress suggested that the only way to address the issues women are facing is for people to help one another. She suggested that not only should women help other women, but “good men” must help other good men and must be “very aware that a lot of their friends are not good men.”

Stone claimed that “good men” need to understand that “dangerous, violent men” need to be kept away from their wives, daughters, and girlfriends.

Stone said, “This is the time when we can no longer look away, when bad men are bad.” The actress later added, “The No. 1 killer for women is men. It is very important to remember that.”

