Here’s how to unlock Agent Smith in MultiVersus, plus watch his new video with a potential hint at Neo

Here's how to unlock Agent Smith in MultiVersus, plus watch his new video with a potential hint at Neo

The big news of the day in MultiVersus right now is the fact that Agent Smith of The Matrix fame is now is now technically available to unlock. The process to get him ahead of his official release (which should be in about two weeks) is detailed below.

We also got a new Age of Smith Rift Cinematic that not only shows the character take on MultiVerses characters in a familiar, dark green hallway, but also may have dropped a hint at Smith’s eternal foe, Neo, joining the fray.

To unlock Agent Smith you’ll need to grind your way through the single player Rifts Mode. Starting today there are seven rifts available to play through, each of which must be completed at a unique difficulty. The easiest difficulty is always available, but as you get to the later rifts you’ll need to unlock the harder difficulties.

Unlocking difficulties is done by leveling up your rift gems, a process that can be painfully slow to go through unless you want to expedite the process by forking over real cash in the game’s store.

It takes about 15-30 minutes to get through each difficulty if you do them flawlessly, so unlocking this highly anticipated new character is going to be a bit of a grind.

We also got the rift mode cinematic that shows the character take on the likes of Stripe and Bugs in a Matrix reference-filled brawl. Smith uses some awesome special attacks lifted straight from the first Matrix film, and winds up cornering Bugs with some Matrix code versions of MultiVersus characters backing him up.

Bugs always has a plan B ready to go, and the cornered wascally wabbit smirks at his opposition before asking “You think I came by myself, Doc?”

With Agent Smith in the mix fans haven’t been able to help but hope for Neo as DLC as well. For now we have to continue to wait and hope for The One, but we wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out he’s en route as yet another MultiVersus DLC character in the not too distant future.
