Here’s how to perform Ermac’s second Fatality in Mortal Kombat 1

Here's how to perform Ermac's second Fatality in Mortal Kombat 1

Ermac is now available in Mortal Kombat 1 via the Kombat Pack’s early access perk. We’ve already seen Ermac’s first Fatality and one of his Brutalities, but now we have the opportunity to see his second Fatality.

The lore behind Ermac is that’s his will is made up of a massive collection of souls. As it turns out, there is still enough vacancy for more souls to join what Ermac calls “The Collective.”

For the time being, the name of Ermac’s second Fatality is unknown. However, the inputs to perform this finisher is to press forward, back, forward, back, and then 2 at about sweep distance.

Upon doing so, Ermac will proceed to knock the soul out of the opponent’s body. Despite the soul and body being separated like this, the opponent’s character will continue to stagger in place.

Following this, Ermac will then effortlessly rip the body in two. It’s interesting how he’s even able to do this against Omni-Man, who is supposed to be nigh invulnerable.

Regardless, it’s clear that this is merely being done to get the physical form out of the way. As far as Ermac is concerned, the lingering soul is the real prize.

From off screen, Ermac’s mask is ripped off. It would seem that he has a need to use his mouth for the next part of this Fatality.

Ermac then takes a deep breath and begins sucking in the air around him. He takes on a terrifying appearance that would be befitting of a horror movie that features a mummy while doing this.

The soul of the opponent’s character attempts to crawl away from their impending doom. However, the vortex pulling them in proves to be too strong.

We actually see the soul getting ripped apart as Ermac devours them. It’s amusing how even a soul gets such brutal treatment in Mortal Kombat.

Check out footage of the Fatality in action courtesy of BaneApe5. Do note that the Fatality name and inputs on screen are actually for Ermac’s first Fatality.
