Here’s how to beat Akuma’s air fireball with every character in Street Fighter 6

Here's how to beat Akuma's air fireball with every character in Street Fighter 6

Akuma has consistently been a top tier threat throughout the Street Fighter series since his debut appearance. His Zanku Hadoken, the air fireball, tends to be one of Akuma’s more notable tools.

This time, however, Capcom imposed a limitation on Akuma’s air fireball to keep the character in check. If you manage to hit Akuma after he throws his air fireball, the air fireball will now vanish.

Mogu940 recently created a quick compilation that showcases how every character can deal with Akuma’s air fireball since it’s historically been such an oppressive tool. As one might expect, the newly implemented limitation comes into play quite a bit here.

The clip begins by stating that there are a few general things to look for when dealing with this projectile. When performing a dragon punch, you should try to do it as late as possible. Alternatives are moves that low profile and projectile invincible moves.

For characters like Luke and Ryu, you typically want to use the medium punch version of their dragon punch specials to anti-air opponents. However, it’s interesting to note that the light version is actually preferred against the Zanku Hadoken.

Obviously some characters are going to have an easier time swatting Akuma out of the air while throwing out an air fireball than others. Ed, for example, can apparently just use any of his dragon punch specials with a variety of different timings.

Check it all out below:
