Here’s how Terry Bogard performs in Street Fighter 6 during actual matches when piloted by one of the best at execution

Here's how Terry Bogard performs in Street Fighter 6 during actual matches when piloted by one of the best at execution

Terry Bogard recently became a playable character in Street Fighter 6. Leading up to his release, it seemed like Terry was an obvious candidate for top tier status, but actual initial impressions have apparently come up short.

The FGC Place has recently uploaded videos featuring FAV|Sako playing as Terry. Notably, Sako is known for having some of the best execution in the fighting game community. Therefore, it’s possible he might be able to demonstrate something new about Terry during his matches.

During the first video, Sako finds himself going up against Konatsu, the third highest ranked Dhalsim on the online leaderboards. Just like Ryu, Terry seems to struggle in this match up as he pretty much just has to bulldoze his way in against Dhalsim’s long-reaching normals.

Though Dhalsim isn’t viewed as a particularly strong character in Street Fighter 6 right now, Konatsu has been ranked as a Legend. Regardless, Sako is able to pull off some daring juggles during this match up.

With the next video, Sako ends up taking on Chihiro’s Cammy. As such, this ends up functioning as a more traditional Street Fighter match up.

Indeed, the player with the better whiff punishes typically won here. Of course, Cammy has become such a strong character in recent times, so it isn’t necessarily going to be easy for Sako.

Check it all out below:
