Here’s how many times each Mortal Kombat character has died

Here's how many times each Mortal Kombat character has died

Yes, they technically die just about every other match when you’re actually playing, but the cast of Mortal Kombat has accumulated a long list of canonical deaths over the the last three decades. Going back through 12+ titles to snoop out every official Fatality is a mountainous task, to be sure, and that’s why we’re glad FAiRWAYx has already done it.

According to Fairway’s research, the record for canonical deaths across the franchise’s three in-game timelines is six, and belongs only to one character. Continue on to find out who that is.

The video breaks the characters down by their number of expirations and doesn’t bother with those who have never died or bitten it only once. Thus we start off with all the two death characters, of whom there are 20.

This is easily the largest category as there are only 12 combatants that have purchased three farms, six who’ve purchased four, and just three with five. As one might expect, the older characters are the ones who naturally rank higher on this particular list, though there are a few Mortal Kombat 11 characters who have passed on twice.

Those who recall the epic intro sequence for 2006’s Mortal Kombat Armageddon know that most every established character in the franchise went into an all out war, and tons of them died during the battle.

Some of these are seen clearly on screen while others are only referenced, but the bulk of demises definitely comes from this moment in franchise history.

See who all died how many times in the full video below and share which MK death was most memorable to you and why in the comments afterwards. For me personally, it was probably Liu Kang during the Deadly Alliance opening. I have never been the biggest Liu fan, but seeing the main good guy bite the dust before getting to the main menu was shocking to the point that it burned the image into my brain.
