By Lizzy Adie, 16th June 2015, 6:00pm. Three out of four women will experience at least one yeast infection during their lives and many experience recurrent infections.
Practicing the following three simple prevention tips may help reduce your risk of these uncomfortable infections.
1. Always wear cotton underwear. Nylon, Polyester and other synthetic fabrics may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast. If you have to wear panty hose, be sure to wear cotton underwear underneath.
2. After Excecise (expecially swimming), be sure to take off your sweaty or wet garments as soon as possible. Wet clothes (expecially non cotton) can aggravate symptoms of yeast infection and may even initiate the annoying condition.
3. Eat one cup of Yougurt a day. It helps many women prevent yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment. Drinking of probiotic yogurt (acidophilus) also helps ward off yeast infections. The live micro – organism in yogurt and in acidophilus helps to suppress growth of yeast causative microorganisms, thus inhibiting the development of symptoms.
These three tips are simple, but they work, be sure to give them a try.
HEALTH : Three Ways To Avoid Yeast Infection.
June 16, 2015