HEALTH : The Health Benefits Of Mango Leaves.

HEALTH : The Health Benefits Of Mango Leaves.

By Lizzy Adie, 1st October 2015. 

The health Benefits of Mango Leaves are:
1. For treating of Kidney Stones and Gall. 
        Mango leaves helps to treat Kidney stones and gall stones, the daily intake of a finely ground powder of mango leaves which are dried in the shade with water kept in a tumbler overnight, helps in breaking the stones and flushing them out. 
2. For Respiratory Problems . 
       The leaves of a mango tree are good for all kinds of respiratory problems. Very good for people suffering from cold, bronchitis and asthma. 
3. For Treating Diabetes. 
      The leaves of a mango tree are useful for the treatment of diabetes. The tender leaves of the mango tree contains tannins called anthocyanidins, which help in treating early diabetes. The leaves are dried and powdered, or used as an infusion to treat the same. 
    When you soak the leaves in a cup of water overnight, strain and drink the water to help relieve the symptoms of diabetes. 
4. It Lower Blood Pressure
        Mango leaves helps to lower blood pressure. The leaves have hypotensive properties, which helps in strengthening the blood vessels and treating the problem of blood vessels and treating the problem of varicose veins. 
5. Good For Stomach Tonic. 
         When you Put some mango leaves in warm water, close the container with a lid and leave it overnight. The next morning, filter the water and drink it on an empty stomach. The regular intake this infusion acts as a good stomach tonic and helps prevent various stomach ailment.