By Lizzy Adie|8th April|10 am.
Oestrogen: any of a group of steroid hormones which promote the develpoment and maintainace of female characteristics of the body. Such hormones are also produced artficially for the use of oral contraceptives or treat menopousal and menstral disorder. Hormones that are important for sexual and reproductives development mainly in women , are also referred to as Female Sex Hormones. Oral contraceptives may cause side effects. tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away. – Vomiting. – Stomach cramps or bleeding. – Diarrhea – Nausa – Constipation – Increased or decreased appetite. – Weight gain or weight loss. – Acne – Hair growth in unusual places. – Bleeding or spotting between menstral periods. – Swelling.of the gum tssues (gingivitis) – Changes in menstral flow. -Breast tenderness,enlargement,or discharge. – White vaginal discharge. Some side effects can be more serious.The following symptoms are uncommon,but if you experience any of them, call your doctor immediately. Oral contraceptives may increase the chance that you will develop liver tumors. These tumors are not a forms of cancer, but they can break and cause serious bleeding inside the body. Oral contraceptives may also increase the chance that you will develop breast or liver cancer,or have a heart attack,a stroke,or a serious blood clot. Talk to your doctor about the risks of using oral contraceptives. Learn more about Estrogen via
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HEALTH : Side Effects Of Contraceptive Pills, Estrogen.
April 8, 2015