HEALTH: New Dettol Cleaning Antiseptic Hits The Market.

HEALTH: New Dettol Cleaning Antiseptic Hits The Market.

By Nelson A.Osuala [ 9th of March 2016] 04:00pm

The Founder of The Methodist Church, John Wesley was not mincing words  when he was quoted as saying .. 'Cleanliness is next to godliness'.

To my mind, It was in view of the above that led the RB (Reckitt Benckiser) makers of Nigeria’s No 1 antiseptic product Dettol to come up with a yet another all New Dettol Multi Surface Cleaner, which would ensure the protection of humanity from all forms of hygiene related illnesses such as germs and other health diseases.

We must ensure a strict observation of good and proper hygiene not just in our homes but also in public places such as healthcare centres, offices, as well as the market place.

The brand new all- in – one Dettol cleaning agent has come to stay as it has employed a completely new strategy for captivating the market economy, hereby inventing what according to the company is  “DettolCleanNaija” Campaign.

This campaign according to them is aimed towards eradicating all forms of hygiene related  illnesses whether domestically generated or public.

According to the Marketing Director of RB West Africa, Oguzhan Silivrili who argued thus:

“… a startling fact is that 80 % of hygiene related illness causing germs are acquired at home from different surfaces like floors, kitchen tops and washbasins.”

He further argued that often times than not,  while cleaning  surfaces, we often make use of such solutions that lack potency such as  detergents which does not kill germs or bleach which does not properly remove stains.

He therefore suggested the new Dettol Multi Surface Cleaner ehich is the first of its kind in the surface-cleaning category with the following features:


#1.  It has a 10 times better cleaning efficacy.
#2.   Acts on germs by kills them faster.
#3.  Can also act as detergent it bleaching agent.
#4.  provides an all day freshness .
#5.   The Dettol Multi Surface Cleaner is very cheap and affordable as compared to buying all of the other cleaning agents separately.


Dettol MPC (Multipurpose cleaner) can be used on all hard surfaces including tiles, marble, and granite, wood or cement floors to maintain a healthy and hygienic environment within the home.

No doubt a trial will convince you.

Nelson A. Osuala is a Blogger & an Associate Editor in Negroidhaven