HEALTH : Natural Foods That Cleanse The Liver.

HEALTH : Natural Foods That Cleanse The Liver.

By Lizzy Adie. 

     The Liver is the second largest organ in the human body and one of the most important because it’s responsible for filtering harmful toxins out of the blood stream. There are medical subsances to detoxify the liver, but there are also several natural simple life style changes you can make that will result in a clean healthy liver. 
1. Garlic : Garlic has sulfur containing compounds that activate liver enzymes that works to flush out any toxins that might be in your system. Garlic also contains allicin and selenium, two nutrients that protect the liver from damages caused by toxins. They also aid in the detoxification process. 
2. Green tea : Green tea is rich in catechin, a type of plant antioxidants that boosts liver function and helps reduce fat storage in the liver. 
3. Walnut : Walnuts have  high levels of 1-arginne (an amino acid) glutathione and omega – 3 fatty acids which helps to Cleanse the liver of diseases causing ammonia. 
4. Avocados : Avocado help the body produce glutathione, a compound that is necessary for the liver to Cleanse harmful toxins. 
5. Carrot and Beets : They are extremely high in plant – flavonoids and beta carotene, improve overall liver function. 
6. Lemon juice : It stimulates the liver bile production to help push toxins out. It also prevent the build up of gallstones and promote digestion and liver function in the movement of gastric juices. 
7. Green Vegetables : Greens suck up environmental toxins from the blood streams with their distinct ability to neutralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides.  These cleansing foods, offer a powerful protective mechanism for the liver. 
8. Drink Lots of Water: Detoxify your liver and flush toxins out by drinking at least 2 quart of water everyday.  Drinking lots of water will keep you hydrated, which naturally encourages cell regeneration. 
9. Avoid Processed Foods : Processed foods contains lots of preservatives, fats and cholesterol that causes the liver to become congested and clogged with fat residue. 
      Clean out your liver by avoiding processed or fatty foods to allow the liver to unblock itself and regenerate cells.